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Unfixable:a Blog

Imagine, Evolve, Enjoy...repeat

  • Writer's pictureBrotha Love

The Problems with "Fixing It"

So I have a theory. Humanity has an irrational, unhealthy obession with fixing things.

I know for a long time my life was driven by the idea of fixing every thing that was "wrong".

It keeps us from realizing our greatest potential and reaching our highest goals because we are so busy

creating problems to fix that we never address the root causes of our impeded

I think its time to let go, to heal, to confront ourselves and to make peace with what can't be changed in order to shape the lives we want.

Every week, I'm gonna break down a few of what I think are the ultimate problems of "fixing it" as an approach to life.

Let's see how hard this theory hits home.

"Fixing It" Problem #1:

You can't "fix" something that constantly evolves

So a little personal prefacing is in order for this first one.

I HAD to revolutionize and simplify my life. Admittedly, I'd become a control freak and a detrimentally optimistic person. The result was me staring depression in the face and blinking. After some deep introspection and a paring down of thoughts I discovered that in my mind I had come to believe that I had to "fix" just about everything. "I can fix it" was my unofficial mantra.

Me being the nerd that I am and a lover of words I looked up the (mal)functioning and primary defintion of the word "fix", which is defined as: " fasten securly in a particular place or position." Now you may be able to fix a wobbly table leg or a loose screw but to apply this thinking to life itself...seems at least a little crazy right?

The life changing thing that I got to and now live by is this: Life is not a thing defined by rigidness but flexibility.

The whole idea of fixing stuff is the exact opposite.

Think about it, if you were to succeed somehow at "fixing" yourself you would essentially stay the same and in the same spot. Wouldn't life pass you by?

Life isn't lived until their is a true openness to evolution.

We will ALWAYS encounter shit that we won't have an answer for...that IS life.

Instability and constant movement.

The conditioning instilled instinct we've bowed to is to fight, among all things, surrender. Surrender illicits feelings of inadequacy, weakness, uncertainty and those too afraid to confront the fear that comes when shifting an approach is needed.

I'd say the inverse of fixing is letting go.

Why keep holding on to things and making ourselves heavier and more immovable?

Do we achieve healing that way?

Are we fulfilled or liberated through that?

These are the question I have ask daily, with fresh memories of the misery I experienced in the past, and I intend to to keep asking until I kick the bucket.

I think its time for everyone to.

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