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Unfixable:a Blog

Imagine, Evolve, Enjoy...repeat

  • Writer's pictureBrotha Love


When the divine says it's time to speak....Brotha, Sista....heed the call.

A few months back I looked at my blog on a whim and realized it had been almost 2 years since I had added anything new.  I must've needed the time away from it but what is meant always finds its place in your present moments.  This present moment is a speaking time.

With that, I feel a reintroduction is in order.

I am Brotha Love.  An artist, a poet, a journalist.  A catalyst for transformative things, a Warrior for Truth and Love. And, thankfully and in gratitude, speaking to YOU right now.  I'm heeding a call.  Some things have been on my mind lately and I'm compelled to share.  This year has say the least.  But, I think the true gift this year has given us is the chance to self-assess.  To know without any doubt or diversion who we are and where we stand on life's path.  Through the deliberate attempts to sicken, bring harm, to distort and confuse I define 2020 (so far) as a year of pure clarity.

Personally, it has further inspired me to make clear and unwavering declarations.  Essentially, to double down on my purpose.

The original ideas that prompted me to start the Blog some years back are still active but, like all things in life, they are evolving. (To reconnect with the original intro statement look for the picture of Doodle Rob in the archives).

And Speaking of evolution I've decided to switch some things up with the blog. 

It will be going by a new name: Speak Love, Speak.

This change represents a few things.  The fact that Love is the only language that matters. The only energy we are meant to be vessels for. It is medicine (especially in this wonky time in history), it is the manifestation of greatness and it is us, if we so choose.  This time is making clear that Love must win out and deserves to be heard over anything else.

Additionally, this is a bit of a personal mantra as well. A reminder never to stifle expression or shrink the vastness of light within.  I feel its what ancestors whisper (or shout) to us in private moments. 

It's the ever present urging to strive and surmount.

Now, you still gon get you some Brotha Love! Lol

Statements affirming Blackness.  Some random weirdness and trippy thoughts.  A little off-color humor, some constructive profanity haha.

But, again, it is imperative to state clearly what we stand for.  This is and will always be what this blog is.  This is my continued statement and my sincerest desire is for this platform to help you define what yours is. 

Gratitude...and don't be a stranger. 

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